A few words about the owner

I was born and raised on Alonnisos. At the age of fifteen all the family moved to Athens where I studied Economics at the University of Athens and then I worked as a sales manager. Twenty three years later I returned to Alonnisos where I have been involved in the nature protection of the island and the formation of the Marine Park for the protection of the Monk seals Monachus-monachus and other rare species.
Vilavala is built on my family land where I spent a great deal of my summer holidays after school and later after work. I was keen to construct Vilavala with respect to traditional architecture and the nature protection. The material used is stone and wood and not a single tree was removed from the land and all the natural vegetation flourishes.
Vilavala always offers a warm and homely atmosphere…
Coming back to the roots

As children after the school was finished for summer holidays my two other cousins and I, were coming to Agios Petros (the name of the location) and we spent two months to this lovely place staying with our wonderful grandparents!!
We were all the day at the beach swimming and fishing.We learned early to fish and we earned our “livelihood”ourselves!! Our grandmother was so happy to cook whatever we brought her, (small) fish, crabs, limpets,e.t.c.
This family land has a long tradition and history from our ancestors and this is the reason that all cousins here we love and respect this place and take a good care for this!!